Friday, July 20, 2007

Friday Evening Venting

It's Friday evening....6pm...and here I am.....still sitting @ work!!....quite sad indeed...the rest of my team just bid adieu and are off to Happy Hour!! Ugh...I could totally use a drink right now!!

This whole week @ work has really been a blur...All the enthusiasm I had on Monday morning post-Triathlon pretty much fizzed out by mid-day Monday and well it's just all been downhill since then....

We have this crazy issue that we are trying to debug at work right now....and it is just creating a big mess in my mind....all our minds really...we have a lot of data...but none of them really helpful...we have a lot of theories but nothing really to back them up....and everyday we get yanked in a different direction which is annoying...and the biggest problem is really that the issue we have just seems to reproduce when it wants to and chooses not to's unbelievably frustrating and I am just absolutely mentally tired....I really just want to go home, but can't until I have all the systems that I need running overnight completely set up....ugh ugh ugh....can you believe that I've actually been having nightmares about this issue?? How absolutely sad.....

My original Friday/Saturday plans were to go home, take a nice long nap, get up , have dinner and head to a Potter Party with little witches and wizards run around...get my Book 7...head home....try very hard not to read the last chapter first....go to sleep instead....get up in the morning...go for my run....come home, shower and chill out on my couch all day reading Book 7.....with a side of Haagen Daz coffee icecream....

Instead my plans look like the following: Go home whenever I am done, eat, sleep, wake up, run, go home, shower, eat, come to WORK!!!! :(....It's quite depressing really.....

I am actually looking forward to my run tomorrow - we're going to be doing 16 miles!! This is the longest distance I have ever run and I should be feeling extremely nervous.....but for some strange reason...I am not....I can't wait to get there and start running - cos this is going to be my "vent run".....I plan to channel all my current frustrations into that run.....hopefully I succssfully do that and not collapse out of exhaustion instead!!! haha...a highly likely possibility!!......I've been visually drawing out the route in my head - it goes as follows..........

The South Austin Ramble - 16miles:

From RunTex Riverside
Head South on S. 1st St.
Right on Barton Springs Rd.
Left on Bouldin Ave.
At W. Annie St. jog Right
then Left to continue on Bouldin.
Bouldin T’s at Live Oak.
Right on Live Oak.
Left on S. 5th St.
*Water stop at 5th and Cumberland*
S. 5th T’s at Cardinal Ln.
Right on Cardinal.
Left on Garden Villa.
Right on Banister.
Cross over Hwy 290/Ben White.
Continue on Banister until it splits at stop sign
Go to the Right onto Richmond Ave
*Water stop at Richmond and Lansing*
At Lansing turn left onto small dirt trail and
over the rail road tracks.
Run straight ahead for 1 block
Right onto Emerald Forest.
Cross Stassney Ln.
After the church,
Left on Armadillo Rd.
*Water stop at Armadillo and Emerald Forest*
Right on Cooper Ln.
Cross William Cannon Dr.
Continue South on Cooper.
Cooper T’s into Dittmar Rd.
Right on Dittmar.
*Water stop at Dittmar and Forest Wood*
16 milers right on Forest Wood
Right on Matthews Ln
***Be AWARE on Matthews
Narrow street no shoulder.***
Left back onto Cooper Ln.
16 milers: north on Cooper
Cross William Cannon
Left on Armadillo Rd
*Water stop at Armadillo and Emerald Forest*
Right on Emerald Forest
Cross Stassney Ln
***PAY ATTENTION!!!!!***
After the bridge
Take a Left on Lansing Dr.
***DON’T MISS THIS!!!***
*Water stop*
Cross the RailRoad Tracks
via the dirt trail & then
Right on Richmond
Richmond becomes Bannister
Take Banister to
Cross Hwy 290/Ben White
*Now pick up pace to MGP or no faster than HMGP*
Left on Garden Villa
Right on Cardinal
Left on S. 5th St
*Water stop at 5th and Cumberland*
Right on Live Oak
Left on Bouldin
At W. Annie St. jog Right then Left
To continue on Bouldin
Right on Barton Springs
Left on S. 1st St
Back to RunTex


Oh well....back to work....hope ya'll have a much better weekend than the one I'm gonna have!!


CHYK Austin said...

OMG. Reading the directions took time! I can't imagine running the route! Work sounds blah & stressful! Been hard at work this week too. :( Am doing a brick tommorrow - 20mile bike ride & 20min run (so approx 2miles) You won't be the only one waking up early.. My only consolation is I'm off to watch HP today!! :)

Improper Bostonian said...

good luck on ur run..have fun Ciara...

vishy said...

OMG.. 16 miles.. r u trying to run away from Work?? but its actually good to get busy at work..

Btw there is a Chevron fun 5K run on sept 20th and a full/half marathon early next yr.. in Houston.. I am planning to start with the 5k run.. lemme know if ur goin to be here..

Charanya said...

YAY!!! I did it - finished the 16 miles w/o dying and w/o any major aches or pains!!! :)


Vishy...Nope...don't plan to be in H-Town for the 5K....way too many things going on in Austin then...But props to you for wanting to do that!!....If you are planning to train for a longer race - I'd suggest joining a training group...rather than trying to train on your own! G'luck!